Our law firm is proud to level the playing fields for those injured by the wrongs of other people and business that harm our clients.
Our commitment to you is to work hard to make sure you and your family are fully compensated for the injuries that you receive, including all past, present and future pain and discomfort, medical bills and lost wages.
Dog bites can result in terrible injuries; they can result in savage and brutal injuries for limbs and faces. Sadly, these are often subjected to by small children who not only have physical injuries but long term emotional injuries and significant fear of all dogs.
Dog bites can also result in puncture wounds and infections that may require plastic surgery to reduce scarring.
Our lawyers have handled 100's of dog bites and are well aware of the laws in California regarding them. Most of the time the dog owner is always legally responsible for any dog bite.
Our lawyers seek and obtain compensation for these kinds of attacks by dogs and other animals.
Copyright 2021. Law Offices of Mark S. Neslon. All Rights Reserved.